Shaming and How It Affects Our Society

In today’s society, people make assumptions about others they don’t know based on their appearances, superficial standards, and social norms. For instance, people will decide whether they want to form a relationship with someone based on things like weight and perceived sexuality, depending upon the way someone acts or dresses. Rather than taking the time to get to know someone, more often than not people pick their relationships by judging others only on outward appearance.
Today, there is a lot of talk about weight and how it affects the way we see people. Just because someone is overweight does not mean that they eat McDonalds every day and are lazy or co-dependent. Some may say that “fat” people are treated equally because there are plus size clothing lines and plus size models.
However, that has not stopped discrimination against those who are overweight. Tess Holliday, a size 22 model, has many supporters, but people still continue to antagonize her because of her weight. The negative comments she gets accuse her of promoting obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle to her fans and supporters. Why is it okay to say that a plus size model is encouraging obesity, but a runway model who starves herself is seen as ideal? Is this what has become of our society – people being so blind that they cannot see their own hypocrisy when it’s right in front of them?
Now onto “slut shaming.” This topic affects both men and women all around the world. Nowadays, someone who wears a crop top or shorts that are a bit too short is called a “sluts.” On the other hand, someone who is not willing to sleep with someone else is labeled a “prude.” Both of these labels are usually based on poorly made assumptions. People walk down the street or the hallway and make quick judgments about others at first glance instead of getting to know them.
Though girls fall more victim to appearance and promiscuity-based shame, this horrible labeling does happen to boys as well. If a boy hooks up with a lot of girls, he is idolized and known as a “player.” If a girl acts this way, she is teased and ridiculed. Boys who are overweight may be teased on a more physical level, but it is more common and accepted to see a heavier man with a thinner woman than a heavier woman with a thinner man.
The saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover” has certainly lost its meaning to the standards of today’s society. Shaming those deemed undesirable or unfit by others is just as common as it is hurtful. Rather than making a rash judgment about a person, it is better to take the time to get to know them and find out what they are like. Instead of giving an insensitive label based upon superficial assumptions, form your own opinions in spite of societal standards.