The student news site of Walt Whitman High School in Huntington Station, NY.

The Paw Print

The student news site of Walt Whitman High School in Huntington Station, NY.

The Paw Print

The student news site of Walt Whitman High School in Huntington Station, NY.

The Paw Print

Dr. Dave Bernardo—Image from Huntington Now

I Interviewed Councilman Doctor Bennardo: A Reflection on the Pandemic, Insight into his Position as Huntington Town Councilman, and More…

Abigail Tavera, Editor June 17, 2022

These past two years have been a whirlwind of change. Not only did COVID-19 sweep through the district and cause a variety of changes from hybrid days to virtual schooling, but we saw new additions made...

2017 in Review

2017 in Review

Ashar Farooq, Managing Editor January 31, 2018

As we ring in 2018, it is time to reflect on 2017. This was for sure a year of great happenings. The year started out with the transfer of power in Washington as President-Elect Donald Trump took the oath...

2018 Preview

2018 Preview

Ashar Farooq, Managing Editor January 31, 2018

With 2017 now over, here is what 2018 may hold for the world. The 2018 Winter Olympics are going to unite the world and feature great sporting events in Pyeongchang, South Korea. These games will be held...

Source: Google Images

Election Day 2017

Ashar Farooq, Co-Managing Editor December 3, 2017

Election Day 2017 has provided some significant results and outcomes. There is no doubt that the last election changed the course of the nation when Donald Trump was elected as the President of the United...

Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality

Shaan Khan, Guest Contributor November 6, 2017

     It’s just a fact that when you unlock your phone you expect everything to work. Users today take this for granted. How would you feel if you tried to open FaceTime and it wouldn’t work? Would...

Trump’s Cabinet Developments

Trump’s Cabinet Developments

Ashar Farooq, Politics Editor May 2, 2017

With the Trump presidency now in full gear, many of Trump’s cabinet picks have been confirmed by the Senate. However, President Trump’s cabinet picks have raised many controversies. One major controversy...

New DNC Chairman

New DNC Chairman

Ashar Farooq, Politics Editor May 2, 2017

It has become an axiom of history to oppose the opposite party in American politics. This has become relevant as the Democratic Party elects Tom Perez as its next chairman. Tom Perez has a tough task ahead...

Trump’s CPAC Speech

Trump’s CPAC Speech

Ashar Farooq, Politics Editor May 2, 2017

The Trump presidency is just beginning to take shape as more than a month has passed by since January 20, 2017. There have been many developments and controversies surrounding the new administration. Recently,...

Womens March

Women’s March

Parker Keller, Politics Writer March 5, 2017

During the days following Donald Trump’s inauguration as the 45th President of the United States, millions of women around the globe joined together in what is known as the “Women’s March.” According...

Analyzing Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee

Analyzing Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee

Kevin McKenna, Politics Writer March 5, 2017

On Tuesday, January 31st, President Donald J. Trump nominated Colorado 10th District appeals court judge, a George W. Bush appointee, Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States of America to...

Trump’s First 100 Days Plan

Trump’s First 100 Days Plan

Parker Keller, Politic Writer March 5, 2017

A very important aspect of a president is what he plans to do as soon as he comes into office, often known as the “First 100 Days Plan.” Donald Trump is currently in this period of time. His intentions...

Political Significance of Super Bowl Commercials

Political Significance of Super Bowl Commercials

Shaan Khan, Politic Writer March 5, 2017

Super Bowl commercials are usually deemed the funniest advertisements of the year. This year, however, companies have reached out further than simple humor and introduced political significance into the...

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