Poverty: A Major Global Problem, Right?

A profuse amount of people are aware of poverty and its far-reaching effects. However, it needs to be known that not all human beings share this knowledge. Poverty is a problem. Additionally, it affects some part of every country around the world. It’s obvious that people know about poverty, but are they truly bothered by it? Why can’t we all pitch in to save the lives of our fellow human beings?
According to Povety.com, approximately 21,000 people perish every day due to hunger-related causes. On top of that, children are often the primary victims of the disease known as hunger.
Poverty clearly has zero positive impacts. In fact, its effects are crippling. Poverty provides a dead end for the street of liberty. Poverty limits many rights and opportunities. Poor people do not have sufficient money to buy the necessities of life. Consistent food and water become like gifts. According to globalissues.org, about 2.6 billion human beings lack basic sanitation in developing countries. It’s unfathomable.
Poverty can obliterate one’s life and unforeseen future. Many impoverished people cannot get access to quality education. In fact, it’s surprising to get any education at all. That’s just not right.
So, why don’t we pay as much attention to poverty as we do for the latest Star Wars movie? The simple answer is that we, as humans, cannot think about “big picture” ideas. We are unable to comprehend beyond our scope of understanding. An issue like poverty is not the biggest priority in our minds because it doesn’t affect us first hand.
“People do know about [poverty], but sadly they don’t give it enough attention to it,” says freshman A.J Wobig.
He’s not wrong. We pay attention to the wrong topics. Almost always, they are irreverent and useless.
“Some people do help combat poverty while others don’t think it’s that major a global problem,” states Whitman freshman grader Michael Baranowski.
Try writing down the topics you feel are irrelevant and unimportant. Such topics cam include anything from the color of a dress to Starbucks cups. Afterwards, crumple the paper up. Then, should throw that piece of paper in the garbage with all your might and forget about these topics. Make a new list that should include things that are really significant like poverty.
People should also support organizations and efforts that help to reduce poverty. However, they have to care about combating poverty first. An easy way that you can contribute is by going to freerice.com and answering questions to help reduce hunger.
Poverty’s effects are troublesome to understand. Therefore, it must be our mission to help deal with it. We must be aware of the truth and problems associated with poverty. We must be really bothered by it and act to effect change.