I Am A Witness Campaign

If you have been on Snapchat the past few days, you have probably seen the I Am A Witness filters. Do you know what these filters are for?
The I Am A Witness campaign, created by Ad Council, is a movement designed to stop online bullying through social media. This organization aims to stop bullying by activating the “silent majority” of kids who witness it each day, transforming them from passive bystanders to an active collective that speaks up against bullying.
This app was created to stop bullying by providing free emojis, stickers, and GIFs to support a friend or tell a bully to stop. According to iwitnessbullying.org, 81% of bullying stops when someone steps in.
The eye emoji shown above is available on every iPhone that has the 9.1 IOS update. It means you see what a bully is doing and you know it’s wrong. By sending this in a group chat or through a social media platform, you are telling the bully to stop what you are witnessing.
Ninety percent of teens ages 12-17 who have witnessed some form of online cruelty say they have ignored the behavior on social media. According to the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, more than a third have done this frequently.
With this campaign, that number will go down significantly and so will the number of kids bullied. Let’s all get the app and stand up to bullies!