Italian Trip Cancelled After Paris Tragedy

This year’s Italy trip was supposed to take place during February break over the course of eight days. Juniors and seniors would have visited many European cities, including Rome. Students have already paid their deposits and have been excited for the trip since freshman year.
Unfortunately, after the recent attack on Paris, the trip has been cancelled.
According to Mrs. Stefanelli-Fasano, a chaperone for the trip, Italy is, “Not a safe environment and would not have been fun. They did not want to take a big risk with the hope of nothing happening.”
ISIS has made direct threats to Rome, saying, “If you hold to it, you will conquer Rome and own the world, if Allah wills.”
Because Rome is the center of Catholicism, it is a huge target. The Vatican has already increased security, with the Pope himself claiming that “nobody said Rome would be immune to this threat.”
One of the scariest threats made by ISIS was, “We, with Allah’s help, want Paris before Rome.” With Paris already attacked, is Rome close behind?
Mrs. Stefanelli-Fasano said canceling the trip was the “responsible decision” and that “safety is our number one priority.”
Students will receive the majority of their money back after December 8th, but are losing their insurance money.
Hopefully by next year, students will be able to explore a safer Italy.