Besides What You See, I Have Confidence In Me

Besides What You See, I Have Confidence In Me

Confidence is extremely sought after, especially among young people who desire success both socially and academically. So, what makes someone confident?

Confidence is being able to have trust in yourself. It is being able to firmly believe in your actions, not having to regret your decisions. You don’t have to be the outgoing social butterfly to be able to show self-esteem. Courage doesn’t have to show through what you say — it comes from your actions. Never beat yourself up over your appearance or how you think you are perceived by others. You are your worst critic. Most of the time people judge themselves more than others will.

One reason why people lack confidence is because they compare themselves to others. It can be great to have someone to look up to. It can give you inspiration, but you shouldn’t see yourself as inferior. The person you see as perfect really isn’t — they have flaws that they are insecure about just like you. Some are just better at hiding their insecurities. Egotistical people tend to be the most insecure about themselves, explaining why they use their arrogance to hide their own fears.

I’ve always loved the musical “The Sound of Music.” The title of this article comes from a song featured in the movie called “Confidence.” It has some great lyrics that really tie into self-esteem. As Maria, the main character, is on her way to become a teacher for an extremely wealthy family, she feels very insecure about her abilities.

“I’ve always longed for adventure, to do the things I’ve never dared. Now here I am facing adventure, then why am I so scared? Oh, I must stop these doubts, all these worries. If I don’t, I know I’ll turn back. I must dream of the things I am seeking. I am seeking the courage I lack… With each step I am more certain. Everything will turn out fine. I have confidence the world can be all mine. They’ll have to agree I have confidence in me.”

So, you may not be an Austrian woman going to work for a naval commander’s family, but it’s still great to take these lyrics to heart. It’s alright to doubt yourself once in awhile, but you shouldn’t let your doubts hold you back from moving forward. Just be whatever feels right. Take the path that you seek, even if it’s the path least traveled.