Predicting the Future Isn’t As It Seems

Can you imagine how the future of the world will look like? One thing is for sure – it will be very different. Just imagine what the technology, climate, and the surrounding environment will look like. The future we are heading into can be a better or a worse place. There is obviously no right answer. Many people debate over the nature of the future. How crazy can the future get?
Let’s start with what might not be in the future. According to KQED News, some of the things that might be obsolete in the future include desk, computers, homework, role of standardized tests in college admissions, paperbacks, current curricular norms, and paper. You might be questioning some of the things mentioned. Computers might be eliminated because everybody will be on their cell phones or some other electronic device. Homework might be eliminated (no need to get super excited) because kids will learn in different ways, and, perhaps, teachers will reinforce topics through other means. College admission tests like SAT or ACT might not be looked upon heavily in college admission decisions.
Paper books in the future might be gone! Why? Well, let’s put it this way. How many of you like to read books for pleasure? How many of you actually read books when assigned for homework? Although there is a great population who do love to read, there are unfortunately many people who just don’t have the interest in reading books. Many people just don’t have time to take out of their busy schedules for reading. Will the world of Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 become our reality in the future? Our future could certainly turn into a dystopia.
BBC predicts even possibly crazier aspect of the future. They seem to suggest the human’s habitat in the future is underwater, underground, or on Mars. Perhaps we might be eating 3D-printed food or traveling in our own drones.
According to Australian Broadcasting Corporation, some other aspects in the future might include self-driving cars that are available to everybody and transformation of the energy industry. The future is most likely going to be even more convenient than today. That may, however, come with a cost. We might not have the thinking capabilities that enable us to innovate.
Whitman students were asked about their views on the future. There were some similarities and differences in their responses.
“The future world will be advanced, modern, and newer,” says freshman Jason Devaraj.
“There will be more people (overpopulation). Resources would be less available. Eventually, the human population will go down. The environment will be polluted,” states 9th grader Jaycee Cardoso.
“There will be too few trees left because of deforestation. The world’s temperature will be close to unbearable. Seasons would shift dramatically,” declares Whitman freshman Andrew Borges.
The future is obviously truly uncertain and unpredictable. With the rapid changes in the modern day, we are unable to comprehend what the future will be like. Look into the crystal ball and see your future. Wait, however, for as long as you have to in order for the hazy fog to fade away from the ball. The crystal ball used to predict the future is not crystal clear.