With the trip to Reykjavik, Iceland approaching, students are getting more and more excited to visit the frigid wonderland. Students and faculty will be flying to Iceland’s beautiful capital on April 8th, less than two months from now. After fundraising for the trip with the ever- popular candy box sales, and having meetings to discuss everything from T-shirts to passports, it is safe to say that everyone is more than ready to take off.

         The group World Strides has organized the trip and given students, parents, and faculty a clear view of what this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity has to offer. From hiking up glaciers to watching geysers erupt and swimming in the blue lagoon, the question has gone from what are students doing to what are they not doing.

            After Mr. Karavias, one of the teachers organizing the trip and accompanying the students to Iceland, had a stroke, many questions were raised on how his health would affect the trip. While recovering from the stroke (which, according to Mr. Paquette, is getting much more attention than his, despite the loss of feeling in half his body), Mr. Karavias made it abundantly clear that the trip would be happening with or without him there. Thankfully, the man, myth, and legend pulled through and is extremely enthusiastic about the new facial hair  he will be sporting in Iceland this April.

            There is no doubt that the six-hour flight will be more than worth it for all who are partaking in the trip. Students have all their passports in order and have begun to sign up for rooms with their friends. Olivia Pulvirenti highlights how “[exciting] it is to be able to share such an amazing adventure with friends.” While it may appear the participants are too young for such a journey, it is important to go on adventures, especially in high school when kids have a large group of friends willing to experience new things with them. Karina Lew discussed the educational and cultural aspects of how students “will get to learn about more places and how for many [students] it will be their first time out of the country.” This point could not be more relevant especially in a time when the tolerance of other cultures is less than impressive. Meghan Italo, who could not go on the trip, stated  “it seems like an amazing experience [and] Iceland is now definitely on [her] travel bucket list.”

            Students have the opportunity to better get to know their peers and teachers while experiencing one of the most beautiful and unique travel destinations in the world.