Day of Silence Comes to Whitman

National Day of Silence takes place annually on the second Friday of April to recognize and spread awareness of the bullying and harassment faced by the LGBTQIA+ Community. It is a worldwide event where people take a day-long vow of silence to represent the number of students in the LGBTQIA+ Community who are unable to come out to friends and family members due to fear of not being supported by those who love and care about them.
This event began in 1996 when students at the University of Virginia used a class project to inform their fellow classmates about the strength and resilience of the LGBTQIA+ Community through all of the challenges they’ve endured and continue to battle.
On Day of Silence, students can choose to take a vow of silence for the whole 24 hours, where they cannot talk or text with anybody, which is representative of how many LGBTQIA+ youth and adults have been forced into silence by others they know, unable to receive support for being who they are or loving who they want to love. Students can also choose not to take a vow of silence, but help explain the reasons as to why Day of Silence is an extremely important part of the LGBTQIA+ Community.
This year, Day of Silence took place at Whitman on April 14th. Whitman’s Sexuality and Gender Alliance Club participated in this event alongside many other schools in New York, and the rest of the world. The members of SAGA excitedly prepared by making posters to hang up around the school, as many had participated last year and enjoyed their experience.
Blake C., Whitman student, says “I honestly enjoyed not speaking since I’m so kept to myself. So yes, I would do it again,” when asked about if he would participate again.
When asked about the preparations done for last year’s Day of Silence, an anonymous student states, “I haven’t heard much about it but it actually felt really good to participate in something like that last year. Preparing was the thing I wasn’t a part of since I don’t think I was there when the preparations were being made, but I wish I was.”
If you or someone you know is interested in observing Day of Silence next year or joining the Sexuality and Gender Alliance Club, you must attend two meetings before Day of Silence, which meets every Wednesday.