Do You Like You?

Do You Like You?

In a world where everyone is worried about looking good we often seem to forget that it’s important to feel good too. Not only is it important to have a positive self-reflection, but for others to have one as well. We all may not have the same levels of confidence, but imagine if you were to say positive words to somebody that boosted his or her self-esteem. You would probably feel good about yourself for paying someone a compliment while he or she would be so happy because of whatever you said. Making someone feel good can, in turn, make you feel good.

The sad part is too many people are caught up with being liked and getting “likes” rather than truly liking themselves. The words you tell yourself have the same impact as the words you tell others. My tumblr feed often asks: “If the words you spoke were written on your skin, would you still be beautiful?” This is something to seriously consider.

In her song “Try,” musician Colbie Caillat sends a great message to young peopleespecially to girls, who are often overly concerned with being liked by others. She asks two questions in her lyrics: “Do they like you?” and more significantly, “Do you like you?” She puts more emphasis on the second question, knowing that it is one of the most important things to ask. Do you like yourself?  Who you are? How you treat others? Do you feel good about yourself? The important thing is not about what others think of you; they can think whatever they want. But do you think of yourself in a positive light?

Thinking of yourself in a positive light doesn’t start with what you look like, but with how you treat yourself and how you treat others. You have the power to feel beautiful everyday.

The words that you speak are the ones that allow you to light up a room. They are the ones that make you beautiful.