Update: Trump Shrinks 12% in Polls Amid Paris Attacks


One of the aftermath effects that ended up affecting the U.S. from the Paris attacks was the drop in Trump’s support. On Nov. 22, Trump had generated a GOP high; 43 percent of Republican voters supported him. Five days later, that number dropped to 31 percent. So what could’ve happened in that short span of time?

Following the recent tragedy in Paris, Trump shifted his insulting remarks towards Muslims. After already offending Hispanics, immigrants, and women, it seems that the Paris attacks may have given him a reason to now offend a new minority. 

Trump told NBC reporters that he would support putting all Muslims into an online database to track them. This is too similar to the registration of Jews in Nazi Germany. He also supports that Muslims should have a special form of identification in order to single out their faith. That’s exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews, forcing them to wear the Star of David. Lastly, Trump told Yahoo, “We’re going to have to, — we’re going to have to look at a lot of things very closely,” Trump told Yahoo. “We’re going to have to look at the mosques. We’re going to have to look very, very carefully.”

To round out the other candidates, Ben Carson also dropped to 15 percent, now less than half of the frontrunner, Trump. After leading late last month, Carson has managed to become less and less relevant as each day goes by. 

According to a Quinnipiac University poll, Cruz is now in second place, trailing Trump by only 8 percent, with Rubio also rising in the polls at 13 percent. Jeb Bush’s campaign managed to go from bad to worse, dropping to 4 percent according to the same Quinnipiac University poll.

The only thing left is for someone to catch Trump and stay in the lead. Carson and Bush have done it in the past but were unable to keep up with him. Now we can only wonder and wait to see if Cruz or maybe even Rubio can clinch the lead in the future.