The Walking Dead Season 7 Premiere *Spoiler Alert*

Season seven of The Walking Dead picks up right where season six ended, at long last resolving the cliffhanger that fans on the edge of their seats. All the speculation, contemplation, and anticipation has finally come to an end. The season premiere answered many of the fans’ burning questions, but surprised them with two deaths in the show. It is safe to say that the episode received a wide range of reactions. Student Efraín Citle Palestino, found himself emotionally destroyed, “seeing Glenn die like that.” Others felt the exact opposite, calling it absolutely “amazing” and proclaiming their anticipation for the upcoming episodes, as sophomore Joe Lewin did. The seemingly most reasonable reaction came from sophomore Daniel Curtin; he was flat-out afraid of seeing all these men hold such devotion towards Negan, a “psychotic and insane man.” Needless to say, season 7 has certainly started with a bang.