Buzzfeed Test Friends

Buzzfeed Test Friends

Buzzfeed is full of delightful channels and one of the best ones is Test Friends, which features a revolving door of cast members that includes Shane, Ryan, Jen, Maycie and Daysha. Jen is a highlight of the channel with any video she stars in being a great option to view, even though some videos she isn’t in shine brightly as well. With so many valid options here’s some pre-selected videos to help narrow the scope.

  1. People Get Snail Facials for the First Time

Daysha, Shane, Jen, Ryan, and Macie play the victims in this video. To watch this video is to watch people volunteer to go through one of the grossest procedures all for the sake of beauty. Snail mucus  is supposed to contain great components such as peptides for the skin, but who honestly wants to lie down for an hour while snails move all over your face? Not even these people, apparently, but for the sake of finding the true result of a snail facial and people on the Internet, they did.

  1. People Give Up Solid Food For A Week

Has it ever crossed your mind what it would be like to have no teeth and liquefy all your food? This is a similar concept but only contains Soylent, which is a drinkable meal that is advertised to replace all food groups. Jen, Shane and Ryan brave the unknown and spend one week living off of only Soylent (although cheating from the diet had taken place). Giving Soylent a try certainly seems feasible after watching the video, but with a $50 price tag and no real desire to spend money to do this, it’s still out of reach.

3. People Try Fire Cupping Therapy

Well, this video was a rollercoaster of emotions with Daysha being almost perfectly serene while Ryan was as squirmy as a worm. His facial expressions definitely made this video enjoyable and hilarious.

All in all, the Test Friends (or in this case, Daysha, Maycie, and Ryan) are willing to give everything normal people would be too freaked out to do a try.